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innovation, human resources and dysfunctional
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Knowledge as a Barrier for innovation". Paper for
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an innovation evangelist. The passion and challenges of
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the organizational thinking for new breakthroughs", article
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innovationsværkstedet - Modeller og metoder inden for
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the organizational consciousness for the future” –
paper at the annual conference of the American Creativity
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Odyssey of the Hansen Family - A case story of
disruptive innovation” – article in the yearbook of
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innovation med udgangspunkt i forståelse af
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"Innovations- og Forandringsledelse", efterår 2001. |
the End User Drives Strategic Innovation" – article
in "Journal of Innovative Management", vol. 6, nr. 2,
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tre vise mænd...Om strategisk innovation og
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metaforer - begyndelsen til ulineær ledelse" -
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fristelser - om hindringer for kreativitet i
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1996. |
og bevidsthed" - artikel i tidsskriftet "Ledelse
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med krop og sjæl" - artikel i tidsskriftet "Ledelse
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Image: Den dag, ledelsen er tilfreds, har den allerede
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identitet til Corporate Identity" - artikel i
tidsskriftet "Ledelse i Dag" nr. 8, 1992. |